I've been insanely busy (apart from this last week which was spent in bed)... things are slowly coming together. I am starting to feel a little more relaxed about the gift fairs and the stock that I've managed to make. I'll only know at the end of the day, whether I've made enough or not. So until then... I'll keep at it!
Here are some pictures of the latest makings. You can also see our website.
These are my recipe tins. They have been selling really well and hope that they will continue to do so at the fairs. I've made ones in Afrikaans too =)
Gift tags always seem to be a hit for some reason, so this year I've made a rage of different ones... for christmas and for general occasions.
I just love home. I love the feeling of walking through the door and knowing the warm feeling of comfort, joy and serenity.
The arrival of Spring has brought a host of new life. I love it! here are a couple of pictures.
This picture of the ducklings was taken two weeks ago... later there is one of how they have grown.There were twelve of them. All black except three!
Our garden is full of these beautiful caterpillars. There colours are so vibrant.
These two cheeky girls often come up onto the grass and ask for food. I just love their quirky nature.
Here are the babies... two weeks later. They have really grown and aren't as attached to their mother as they used to be.
Oh... this is a plant that I bought about 3 weeks ago. I was in the plant shop looking for an orchid when I saw this. I have no idea what it's called, but it was so unusual that I had to buy it. It makes me happy =)
Wow - I can't believe that it has been such a long time since my first blog.
Things have been really crazy with trying to get stock together for the gift fairs. Gins and I are doing two this year - but luckily there are three weeks between them. The first one is at the beginning of October in Durbanville: "CY Market". The second is the "Constantia Gift Fair" which is taking place over the last week in October.
I've literally been spending every last second I have making things... and yet, it seems as though I'll be going empty handed... well, not quite, but close! I'm still working full days, so the evenings are all I've had. Not for long!
I have resigned from my job! My one job at least. So, from the beginning of October, I will be working from home. I am so excited! I'm going to be doing all Eden Photography's editing nad design work from home which will give me time to do the other things that I love - making stationery and other useful things, cooking, gardening, and hopefully joining Geoff in re-upholstering old furniture (*wink*). I've also been toying with so many other ideas, like opening a coffee shop, but we'll see...
I'll be posting up pictures of cards that I've been making soon... and maybe some notebooks.